The Kalon Minaret in Bukhara

😳 The Kalon Minaret is a symbol of Bukhara, not a single pattern on its walls is repeated in 12 “belts”.

The Minaret has been standing since 1127 – and at least it survived earthquakes and wars painlessly. The secret of its stability lies in the correctly found ratios, in the construction of the foundation, in the quality


😃  Here’s the secret of construction – (the minaret is manually constructed from burnt brick, fastened by a mixture of camel milk and egg yolk).

And why do you need a Minaret, what is it?

🙈 The minaret served for a Muslim convocation, and was also a watchtower and a lighthouse for caravans. The black pages of Eastern despotism are also connected to him. We will not write here about what executions took place on him, but we think you can guess.

You can talk about Buhari forever as this city literally breathes with history, the best way to dive into it is to visit this amazing city. Did you like it? Would you like to visit? Write your opinion in the comments below👇

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