Samarkand is the ancient pearl of the east

In the first centuries of its life, the city becomes the capital of the state with the beautiful name Sogdian. Then it is captured by Alexander of Macedonian and includes it in his empire.

In the Middle Ages, Samarkand was the capital of the Tamerlan Empire and its dynasty, and one of the scientific centers of the East. You can say that the Tamerlan era is the golden age of the city life.

In the XIX century it becomes part of the Russian Empire, and in the XX – the Uzbek USSR. Now Samarkand is the second largest city in Uzbekistan, and its historical part is fully listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Legally, the main square of the city is Registan. It is one of the most beautiful and most famous squares in the world.

Millions of travelers dream to see one of the three madrassas. The pearl of architecture are the Madrassas of Ulugbek, Sherdor and Tilya-Cari. Their beauty can be endlessly admired, looking at every element of decor.

Visiting this wonderful city, you will discover some mysteries of the East, immerse yourself in this unique atmosphere of antiquity for a while and will certainly bring back from your trip many new experiences and souvenirs for your family and friends!

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